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Can You Chew Purple Sticky Salvia?

Purple Sticky Salvia is the name often given to salvia divinorum because of the sticky purple hairs on the flowers. Salvia is, potentially, a mind-altering herb used by shamans and sometimes grown in gardens and with ornamental plants.
  1. Legality

    • Salvia is completely legal in the United States and is sold via smoke shops, mail order catalogs and online websites. As of 2010, however, some states have introduced requests to make it an illegal substance. These states include Pennsylvania, Utah and Kentucky, reports SalviaLegal.com.


    • When consumed, Salvia divinorum creates a feeling of dizziness. It slurs speech, impairs motor skills and, in some cases, causes hallucinations. The effects of Purple Sticky Salvia only last around 30 minutes and vary from person to person.


    • Salvia can be smoked, drunk in a tea and chewed like chewing tobacco. According to the Mayo Clinic, it is most commonly inhaled in smoke form.