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How to Get the Wiring Out of an Electric Blanket

Precautions should be made when dealing with electrical equipment, and electric blankets are no exception. Faulty wiring in an electric blanket can cause fire hazards through electric surges since the control mechanisms will be unable to retain proper electrical information. If the temperature controls are unable to regulate temperatures, skin injuries are also likely to happen due to burns. If you have an electric blanket with faulty wiring or a blanket that is questionable due to its age, you should consider removing the wiring from the blanket if your intentions are to salvage it.

Things You'll Need

  • Scissors
  • Needlenose pliers
  • Superglue
  • Sewing needle and thread
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    • 1

      Unplug the blanket. Lay the blanket out onto the floor. Run your fingers along the thickest wire that runs through the blanket. This is the main wire, which will be removed first.

    • 2

      Cut the main wire just at the blanket's edge, releasing the temperature control mechanism and plug. Cut an incision big enough around the main wire at the seam of the blanket to pull it through. Use the pliers to pull the main wire out of the blanket while holding the other end where it is attached.

    • 3

      Cut the main wire loose from the blanket once it has been pulled out. Cut small incisions around any other wires that are left inside of the blanket, pull them through with pliers and cut them loose. Dab superglue around the edges of the small incisions, and then close them by sewing them together.