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Creative Color Techniques on Concrete With Latex Paint

Painting is one of the least expensive ways to make over a room. Concrete is not a difficult material to paint with latex, so long as moisture problems are addressed before any decorative finishes are applied. With the wide range of latex paint colors and supplies found at paint and hardware stores, you can paint your concrete with various styles and techniques, even with a beginner’s experience. The simplest paint pattern will transform any concrete surface into a beautiful and eye-catching area.
  1. Sponge and Rag Painting

    • Sponge painting is one of the simplest decorative techniques used to cover a surface. The color choices are endless, and you are not limited to the number of colors you want to use. Start by painting a base color over the concrete surface. For a subtle effect, choose a second color that is a few shades different from the base color. Use contrasting colors, such as green and purple, for a more dramatic look. After you apply the base, dab a damp sea sponge into your second color and dot it across the surface until the area is covered with your dabbing pattern. For another option, use a rag. Rag painting is just like sponge painting, only you use a balled up rag instead of a sponge.

    Crackling Finishes

    • Crackling finishes on concrete make interesting effects and draws the eye away from any damaged areas on the surface. Crackling is an easy finish to achieve and makes a wall look worn and cracked. A base color must be painted first and then a crackling glaze is painted over it. When it has dried, the second color is applied over the glaze, where you will begin to see the crackling develop. This technique is best used with two contrasting colors.

    Checkerboard Patterns

    • Some concrete is laid in blocks, leaving a checkerboard pattern. Enhance that pattern by painting the surface with two colors. Paint every other block one color and finish the remaining blocks with the second color. If you want to further decorate the surface, use a stencil to fill in every other block. Paint and craft store carry various images, from words and letters to flowers and animals.

    Color Washing

    • Concrete is a textured surface that is very accommodating to a color washing technique. Color washing is a delicate finish that adds to the décor in a room and adds to its ambiance. The effect is created using two varying shades of color, where one is used as a base and the other is blended throughout the surface by gentle rubbing using a brush and damp sponge. Practice the technique in a small area and if the paint it too thick, dilute it with a one-part water and one-part paint mixture.