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DIY Abstract Wall Art

For DIY abstract wall art, a geometric abstraction, such as those created by Piet Mondrian, is a project you can complete with little painting experience and using basic home painting tools. You can make it complicated or simple, depending on your decor, skill or time parameters. In addition, you can introduce an almost limitless array of color. The project creates geometric blocks separated with tape. Each block can take a new color or a color already used in another area of the design. Choose thick, 2-inch tape for wide divisions, or thinner 3/4-inch tape for thinner separating lines. Once the painting is completed, the abstract wall design is revealed as you pull off the tape.

Things You'll Need

  • Painters tape
  • Roller, tray and sleeve
  • Latex paint
  • Straight edge
  • Acrylic paints
  • Cups for mixing paint
  • Acrylic paint brushes
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      Roll the latex paint onto the area for the abstract wall art on your wall. Pick a color you like, because this will be the base color, and thus will form the dividing lines between the shapes within the design. Roll a full wall if you wish, or just an area, such as above a couch or in a gap. For an area, outline it first with tape for a crisp edge.

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      Use the straight edge to lay out tape within your rolled area and make an abstract, geometric design. Rectangles and squares are the easiest, but you may also incorporate triangles. Avoid curved lines as the tape will buckle around curves and leave a ragged edge of paint.

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      Mix acrylic paint colors in cups. You can mix a palette of colors before you begin, and fill in the shapes in planned fashion. You may also improvise as you go, mixing the new colors you need them.

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      Paint the colors into the spaces using the acrylic paint brushes. You can paint right over the tape, making the job easier. If you decide you want to change a color, wait till it dries first, about 30 minutes. For lighter colors or those less heavily pigmented, you may want a second coat for best coverage.

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      Gently pull the tape up, revealing your abstract wall art.