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Calming Children's Room Colors

Choosing calming children's room colors is a combination of a child's personal preference and the wisdom of feng shui. Out of all the colors of the rainbow, the cooler colors and lighter shades tend to have a more calming effect than warm colors and dark shades. Consider testing the effects of different colors on your child's particular temperament before committing to a paint and decor color.

Things You'll Need

  • Sheets or butcher paper in several colors
  • Paint samples
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      Ask the child what color she would like her room to be. Discuss how a room should be a place that helps you relax and how the body reacts differently to different colors. For instance, blue evokes a sense of peace and relaxes stress and tension, while red stimulates the brain and raises the pulse rate, according to feng shui tradition.

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      Show the child some paint sample cards for the color family he names. Encourage her to select lighter tints and cooler colors such as greens, blues, lavenders and warm, inviting earth tones. If your child is really set on warm colors, try to compromise by providing accents in the warm color while preserving the overall soothing atmosphere of the cooler color family.

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      Drape the walls of the room with colored sheets or butcher paper for a few days and observe your child's reaction to the environment. Talk with him about whether he likes it as well on the wall as he does in theory, and ask him how the color makes him feel. If he becomes more agitated or hyperactive than usual, suggest that a calmer color may be a better choice. Test each color until you find one that works its soothing magic on your child's psyche and satisfies his personal preferences.

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      Buy the paint and select the wallpaper and other accessories in the chosen calming color scheme. Decorate the room and let the child enjoy her newly refreshed personal space.