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Techniques to Make a Wall Seem Taller With Paint

Many homes, particularly those that are built for energy efficiency, have walls that can make tall people feel as though their head are mere inches from the ceiling. Give your room a more luxurious and spacious feel by using paint to make the walls appear taller.
  1. Stripes

    • Fashion columnists often advise petites to wear vertical stripes to present the illusion of height. What holds true for clothing holds true for decor as well. Paint your walls with vertical stripes to make your walls appear taller. You needn't use bright colors to get this effect. Try painting stripes that vary in shade. For example, you might pair a very light peach shade with a creamy white that has the same tones.

    Ceiling Color

    • The color that you paint your ceiling is critical to creating height in your room. Either paint your ceiling a color that is lighter than the walls or paint the ceiling the same color as the walls. The most effective trick, however, is to create a border of color around the ceiling by extending the color of the walls onto the ceiling. This technique draws the eye upward, giving the impression of height. If you choose to paint your ceiling white, add a bit of the wall color to tone down the white -- a few drops may do. This technique will eliminate a potentially jarring contrast, which could cause your ceiling to appear lower.


    • Paint your room a dark color to visually shrink the dimensions of the entire room, including the distance to the ceiling. Paint your room a light color to create overall space. You needn't stick to white, however. Interior decorator Denise Willard recommends choosing cool colors, such as blues, grays, greens and lavender. Stick to light shades of these colors. Willard also recommends painting fixtures, such as ceiling fans, the same color as the ceiling in order to create a loftier look.

    Other Tips

    • While you can make extensive use of painting tricks to fool the eye, consider other elements of the room as well. If you have wainscotting on your walls, remove it, as it visually cuts the room in half. Hang curtains that fall from the ceiling to the floor, and hang pictures a bit higher on the wall. Select furniture with a low profile, as well as light fixtures and fans that hug the ceiling.