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Garage Door Color Ideas for Sandstone Brick Houses

The color of your garage door can blend into the facade of your home or display a bright contrast, but it should relate to the overall color scheme in some way to help create a cohesive composition. A garage door that is painted in a color that clashes with the rest of the house will ruin the home's curb appeal, especially if the garage is prominent at the front of the house.
  1. Blending

    • The dominant color of a sandstone brick house is gray. To create an effect in which the garage door doesn't dominate the house, paint it in a color that is identical to, or very similar to, the sandstone bricks. A garage door that is exactly the same color may create a monotonous facade, but one that is just a shade lighter or darker than the bricks can create some visual interest without standing out. A garage door that is painted to blend in with the rest of the house will reduce the visual prominence of the garage from the street.


    • Painting the garage door in a bright color creates a contrast between the door and the gray bricks that surround it. A garage door in a primary color such as red, blue or yellow will draw the eye with its dramatic color. When the trim on the rest of the house is painted with the same color, the effect can be dramatic. However, if the effect is too extreme, it may look garish and overdone. To test a bright color, paint a piece of plywood and prop it up in front of your garage door, then view it from the street. Contrasting effects can also be achieved by painting the panels of the door different colors, or by installing windows in the garage door to create more visual texture.


    • If you don't want your garage door to be excessively visible, but would rather not paint it the same color as your sandstone bricks, painting it in a neutral color will make it look attractive without being too prominent. Black and white are the most neutral colors, and either one will harmonize well with the gray of sandstone bricks. As with bright colors, a neutral-colored garage door will look best if the rest of the trim on the house is painted the same color.


    • Leaving the material of your garage door in its natural state can provide an interesting look that will contrast with the color of sandstone bricks. A wooden garage door that is protected with a clear finish gives a natural appearance to the front of the garage, and the texture of the wood complements the texture of the bricks. Most materials will need to be protected with a clear finish to prevent them from deteriorating. A metal garage door can provide a minimalist, modern look, but is bound to rust if it isn't protected with a durable coating.