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How to Find the Best Color for My Dining Room

Sharing a meal with family and friends is an intimate and satisfying experience. When you invite others into your home's dining room, you want the room to convey a sense of warmth and friendliness. You can make the dining room feel welcoming with the proper use of color. To find the best color for the dining room, think about a special scene you want to display or how you want your guests to feel. Certain colors elicit different emotions, so use them to create a special experience for anyone who enters the room.


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      Look at the color of the dining room floor and furniture, such as the table and chairs. You generally want to match the wall color with the colors already existing in the room. For example, if you have dark-colored, hardwood floors, choose a rich, deep color, such as green or red, to match.

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      Gauge the amount of natural light the room gets. If the dining room has several windows and gets plenty of natural light, that light can make bright wall colors seem washed out or a bit too bright. For instance, very bright light makes pale yellow or blue walls look almost white.

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      Determine the inspiration for the dining room. If you want to convey the feeling of being in a flower field, choose bright, cheery colors such as yellow or pale green. If the ocean is your inspiration, use teal, cream or coral colors.

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      Think about the feelings you want to diners to have when they enter the room. Yellow and orange are cheerful, enthusiastic colors. Dark red invokes feelings of love and sensuality. Shades of blue are peaceful and relaxing.