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What Is the Best Way to Paint Trailer Walls?

Painting the walls of a trailer uses the same painting method as painting the walls of any other structure. As with other structures, proper preparation of the walls is necessary before you can apply the paint. After preparing the walls, though, it’s just a matter of rolling primer and paint to achieve the look you want in a smooth, evenly applied paint job.

Things You'll Need

  • PH-neutral cleaner
  • Sponge
  • Scrub brush
  • Rage
  • Drop cloths
  • Phillips-head screwdriver
  • Wallpaper perforating tool
  • Wallpaper removal solvent
  • Wallpaper scraper
  • Medium-grit sandpaper
  • Wood putty
  • Putty knife
  • Fine-grit sandpaper
  • Masking tape
  • Latex primer
  • Paintbrush
  • Paint roller
  • Latex paint
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      Clean the walls using a pH-neutral cleanser and a sponge for loose dirt and debris, or a scrub brush for heavier dirt deposits. Rinse the walls after washing them with clean water, and then dry them using a clean piece of cloth.

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      Cover the floor along the bottom of the walls with a drop cloth. Remove any wall fixtures using a Phillips-head screwdriver, along with any electrical outlet covers. Bag the fixtures and outlet covers with a plastic bag near where they hang on the wall, and cover any surfaces adjacent to the wall with a strip of masking tape at the edges.

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      Remove any wallpaper from the walls by scoring the paper with a wallpaper perforating stool and then spraying the surface of the wallpaper with a wallpaper removal solvent until wet. Allow the solvent to penetrate the adhesive holding the paper in place for about 10 minutes, and then scrape the wallpaper from the walls with a wallpaper scraper, working in rows from bottom to top. Wash and dry the walls again after wallpaper removal.

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      Scratch the surface of painted walls or decorated drywall with medium-grit sandpaper to texture the surface and remove any glossy finish that can interfere with the paint. Wipe the walls down with a damp sponge to remove any dust.

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      Fill in the grooves in wall panels before painting. Pack the grooves to the surface of the panels with wood putty to create a level painting surface. Allow the putty to dry for two hours and then sand smooth with fine-grit sandpaper. Wipe with a damp sponge to remove sanding residue.

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      Apply a primer to the walls using a paintbrush to cut in the wall edges, creating a strip around the perimeter of the walls 3 inches wide, and then covering the rest of the wall with a paint roller. Allow the primer to dry for about 2 hours.

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      Apply the topcoat color of your choice to the walls over the primer. Use the same painting process used with the primer, only cover the primer with two layers of paint to conceal the primer completely. Allow the first layer of paint 2 hours drying time before you paint the second layer over it. Let the second layer dry for 48 hours before removing the masking tape and replacing the outlet covers and fixtures.