Home Garden

Painting Thermofoil for PVC Doors

Thermofoil is an intimidating, technical term for items constructed from MDF, or medium-density fiberboard, and covered with a thin poly-vinyl coating to create durable cabinets and doors. The resulting bond creates an inexpensive product that resists moisture damage and chips, with a high capacity for customization. Before the first drop of primer or paint touches your thermofoil door, it must be prepped to prevent future peeling, cracking or fading.

Things You'll Need

  • Rubber gloves
  • Safety goggles
  • 1 tbsp. tri-sodium phosphate
  • 1/2 gallon warm water
  • Kitchen sponges
  • Soft cloth
  • Fine-grit sandpaper
  • Tack cloth
  • Plastic primer
  • Natural-bristled paintbrush
  • Acrylic or latex indoor paint
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      Slip on a pair of rubber gloves and safety goggles before creating a mixture of 1 tablespoon TSP, or tri-sodium phosphate, and one-half gallon warm water. Stir the ingredients until the TSP powder--a mild degreaser located at home improvement and hardware stores-- is completely dissolved.

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      Dampen a kitchen sponge with the mixture and wipe down the thermofoil door to remove any dirt, grease or grime. Dampen a separate kitchen sponge with plain water and use it to thoroughly rinse away the TSP residue. Dry the door with a soft cloth.

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      Sand the thermofoil door with fine-grit sandpaper. Using even, back and forth motions, gently run the sandpaper over the thermofoil to roughen the door’s surface, allowing the primer and paint to adhere more effectively.

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      Wipe down the thermofoil door with a tack cloth to remove the sanding dust. Cover the door with a thin layer of primer designed for use on plastic. Use a natural-bristled paintbrush to apply the primer and allow it to set for at least two to three hours before continuing.

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      Apply a thin layer of top-quality latex or acrylic indoor paint. Apply the paint with a natural-bristled brush using even, long strokes. Allow the initial layer of paint to set for at least three to four hours before applying a second, and if necessary, a third coat.

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      Allow the final paint coat to dry for at least 24 hours before attaching or using the door.