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What Is the Best Paint Type for Wooden Trims?

No one type of paint works wonders for all wooden trims. You must first specify the location of the trim, as well as the quality of finish you'd like, before settling on the ideal paint. Novices frequently overestimate the importance of paint, forgetting to acknowledge the complexity of the process.
  1. Choosing Your Paint

    • The location of your wood trim determines the paint appropriate for it. Semi-gloss paint works best for wooden trim located in homes with children; the paint produces a distinguished trim that can be cleaned easily. High gloss paint, while more delicate, results in a more beautiful trim finish. Outdoor wooden trim requires satin or flat acrylic latex paint. Waterborne enamel paint has grown in popularity for wooden trims in or outside of a home, thanks to how attractively it levels out.

    Preparing the Wood

    • Though the right paint is important, it alone does not make for a great wooden trim. You must thoroughly prepare the wood in order to achieve the best result. Non-soapy detergent should be used to clean the trim's surface. Ink stains, in particular, must be removed; they will otherwise bleed through the paint. You should sand the trim by hand until the shine disappears as well. Finally, fill all cracks and holes with spackling compound. All of these steps boost how well the paint will adhere and last.


    • The final step in preparing the wood is to prime it. Even the best paint will soak into the wood without primer, resulting in a lackluster finish. Shellac primer works best with new wooden trim. Water-based primers protect outdoor wooden trim well. However, avoid using water-based primers on interior wooden trim, as doing so will see the wood swell irreparably. Basic brushes and rollers apply primer well. After applying one coat of primer, allow it to dry and sand the wood again. Follow this with another coat of primer, which you will again sand.

    Applying the Paint

    • Indoor wooden trim is best painted with a 2- or 2.5-inch angled sash brush. If you're using a waterborne enamel paint, employ a nylon-polyester brush instead. Use only the tips of the brush to apply the paint. You can opt to spray paint on large areas of outdoor wooden trim. Protect the walls with plastic covering before spraying. If you will paint the walls along with the trim, protecting them isn't necessary. Spray the wooden trim first, then prime your walls before painting them.