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How to Use Gas to Powder Coat

Powder coating is a type of paint job. You spray a paint that is in the form of powder onto the object, and then bake it in an oven. The heat of the oven melts and cures the powder to seal it to the object. You should never use your home oven because once a powder coated object bakes in the oven, the oven is no longer safe for food items. Whether you choose to use an electric oven or a gas oven, both can cure the powder-coated object.

Things You'll Need

  • Gas oven
  • Oven mitts
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    • 1

      Preheat your gas oven to 380 degrees Fahrenheit.

    • 2

      Prepare and paint your object with the powder coating according to the powder coating instructions.

    • 3

      Insert the object into the hot oven and allow it to cure for at least 20 to 25 minutes, or as directed on the powder coating instructions.

    • 4

      Remove the object from the oven, while wearing oven mitts, and allow the object to cool before handling.