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What Are the Dangers of Black Light?

Black lights, while fun to play around with, are not as harmless as they might appear. The light they emit can be harmful to eyes, skin and the immune system. It may be best to limit your exposure to fluorescent black lights.
  1. Aging

    • Black light exposure to the skin can speed the aging process and the formation of wrinkles. Research has found that UV-A exposure damages the cells in the basal layer of the skin. The process of tanning is actually the body's defense mechanism against cellular level DNA changes. To avoid premature aging, it is best to avoid excessive sun and black light exposure.


    • Black lights can cause serious long-term damage to the eyes. Therefore, it is recommended never to stare directly at a black light. Prolonged exposure to UV-A can damage to the surface of the eye and result in the formation of cataracts. Prolonged exposure to UV-A light rays can also result in macular degeneration and retinal aging; the rays are very long and can pass through the layers of the eye and hit the retina or back of the eye.

    Skin Cancer

    • For many of the same reasons that black light exposure can cause aging, it can also cause skin cancer; this can also occur due to prolonged exposure to sunlight. UV-A is given off by the sun as well as black lights, and is believed to contribute to the initial stages of the formation of skin cancer.

    Immune Suppresion

    • Immune system suppression can occur from exposure to ultraviolet light. Exposure can become systemic and interfere with the body's ability to fight disease. This occurs because UV light is absorbed by molecules in the skin. Excessive exposure to UV light can thus cause imbalances in the body's cellular immune response, so it is best to avoid excessive exposure.