Home Garden

Alternative Lighting Solutions

Alternative home lighting can refer to products that use green energy. Stopping short of burning candles or firewood for natural lighting, choose from different green products. Each lighting solution should be compared to a product powered by traditional bulbs.
  1. Replace Incandescents

    • Alternative lighting solutions represent a move toward retiring incandescent light bulbs, which have been around since the late 19th century. Consumers can buy compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) or halogen bulbs in retail stores. If they buy CFLs, they should seek a product containing the lowest amount of mercury.


    • Other lighting solutions use light-emitting diodes, or LEDs. The material inside an LED light bulb is a semiconductor, producing a straight beam of light instead of wasting energy by emitting light in every direction.


    • Some lighting solutions use gas-filled bulbs, including those containing xenon. This is a green alternative to incandescents, but xenon bulbs are lower in luminosity than LEDs or halogens.