Home Garden

How to Get Rid of Moths Near Lights

Moths have been problematic for centuries. While some are merely a nuisance, hovering around doorways and outdoor parties, others can destroy trees, plants and clothing. Moths in closets and pantries can prove costly due to their ability to damage clothing and food. The best way to eliminate the moths is to prevent them from entering the house in the first place. This means keeping them out of the home and away from people by keeping them away from lighted areas like doorways and patios.

Things You'll Need

  • Mothballs
  • Nylon bag
  • Citronella oil
  • Colored light bulbs
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      Replace any standard lights with yellow light bulbs in all outdoor places. Moths seek the brightest light around. This leads them to white light rather than the yellow.

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      Cover outdoor lighting areas with citronella oil during the day. Don't get citronella on the bulb itself, or it could explode when turned on.

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      Place citronella candles or torches around patio or porch area.

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      Fill a dinner plate with water and dishwashing liquid. Set the plate on a bucket or other surface directly under the one outdoor light. The water will increase the brightness of the light and therefore will attract most of the moths to the liquid on the plate. After landing on the plate, the moth will become coated in the soapy liquid and drown.