Home Garden

DIY Foyer Chandeliers

Transform the unsightly overhead light in your foyer into an eye-catching chandelier. Making a chandelier may seem like a daunting project, but it requires only basic crafting skills. If you can use a hot glue gun, you can transform your foyer light into a chandelier that matches your home’s style and decor. All the supplies necessary for this project can be found at your local home improvement center and craft store.

Things You'll Need

  • Tomato cage
  • Wire cutters
  • 30 strands of beaded necklaces
  • Metallic spray paint
  • Dropcloth or cardboard pieces
  • 30 strands of capiz shells
  • 3 yards of thin, grosgrain ribbon
  • 3 yards of rickrack
  • Ruler
  • Scissors
  • Floral wire
  • Hot glue gun
  • Hot glue sticks
  • Fishing line
  • 4 eye bolts
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    • 1

      Clip off the wire stakes that extend from the bottom of a tomato cage. Use wire cutters to cut off the pieces you would stick into the ground to grow tomatoes.

    • 2

      Cut apart beaded necklaces where two beads are fused together. Pull gently, and most strands will pop apart easily. Cut apart stubborn strands with scissors.

    • 3

      Place the cut necklaces onto a dropcloth or pieces of cardboard. Paint the necklaces with metallic spray paint. Allow the necklaces to dry completely, and touch up as necessary.

    • 4

      Place strands of capiz shells and beaded necklaces on a flat work surface. Cut 15 strands of each product. Each strand should measure 15 inches long. Cut 10 strands of each to measure 10 inches long. Cut 5 strands of each to measure 5 inches long. Sort the strands into piles by length.

    • 5

      Repeat Step 4, this time cutting ribbon and rickrack. You should have 30 strands of each, with 15 measuring 15 inches, 10 measuring 10 inches, and 5 measuring 5 inches. Sort the ribbon and rickrack strands into piles by length.

    • 6

      Place the tomato cage upside down on a table. Locate the wire rings around the bottom, middle, and top of the cage. Keep in mind the bottom of the cage is now facing upward, and should be the narrowest ring. Twist one of the 5-inch beaded necklace strands around the narrowest ring. Repeat with the other 5-inch pieces, alternating necklace, rickrack, shell and ribbon pieces. Continue adding strands until the entire ring is covered.

    • 7

      Repeat Step 6, this time adding the 10-inch pieces to the middle of the cage.

    • 8

      Repeat Step 6, this time adding the 15-inch pieces to the widest end of the tomato cage. Turn the cage right side up, so the widest portion is at the top. All strands should hang down. Use wire cutters to clip off extra wires. Further secure the strands by placing a dot of hot glue where the wires are twisted around the cage.

    • 9

      Remove the shade around your current light fixture. Screw four eye bolts into the ceiling. Each bolt should be equidistant from the others. Keep the bolts at least 3 inches from the light bulb to prevent a fire hazard.

    • 10

      Determine how low you want the chandelier to hang from the ceiling. Cut four pieces of fishing line to this length. Tie the fishing line pieces to the eye bolts. Secure the opposite end to the top of the chandelier with a knot. Trim off any excess fishing line.