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How to Last Longer Running in a 5K

Running a 5K can be a challenging activity. If you've never run one before, you might be worried about whether you'll last through the whole race. If you have run a 5K before, you might not have made it through the race at the pace you had planned before running out of steam. To make sure you're ready make it through the whole 5K, you should train for increased cardiovascular endurance, eat well-balanced meals and wear the right running gear.
  1. Running Training

    • The way you train for a 5K can make the difference in whether you have the endurance to keep a good pace throughout the entire race. According to the Mayo Clinic, you can prepare for a 5K run in just seven weeks by mixing running, walking and resting. For example, when you first start training you should run for 15 seconds and then walk for 45 seconds, repeating the cycle for 30 minutes. Gradually increase the amount of time you spend running and reduce the time you spend walking. Start out with a slower speed until your body adjusts. By training in intervals like this, you'll prepare your body to successfully last through a 5K run.


    • Eating the right type of food before you run in a 5K can make a big difference in your endurance. Plan to eat about 500 to 1,000 calories three to four hours before the race for optimal energy. Eating a meal high in complex carbohydrates before a run, such as breads, cold cereal, vegetables, fruits or pasta, will give you a consistent energy source because the digestion rate of these foods is slower. In contrast, a high-sugar meal would only give a quick sugar rise, which would quickly drop, depleting you of energy during your run. It's also important to be hydrated before the run and avoid caffeine, which can dehydrate you. Drink two to three cups of water about two hours before the race and one to two cups about 15 minutes before you run. Every 15 minutes during the race, if you can, you should drink additional water to stay hydrated.

    Strength Training

    • By weight training with your legs and upper body while preparing for a 5K, you'll decrease your risk of injury during the run and even help yourself run faster. Proper weight training will also relieve kneecap pain, known as runner's knee, which can take you out of a 5K completely. To incorporate strength training into your running preparation, start with one weightlifting session a week and work up to three a week. For example, try squat rows, which strengthen your knees, quadriceps, glutes, biceps, back and hips. Stand in front of a rowing machine and do one squat while holding the cables. When you stand, pull your hands to your diaphragm. Another good exercise is a wood chop, which strengthens your hips, quads, shoulders, back and glutes. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and a medicine ball between your knees. Squat down, then grab the ball, stand and raise the ball over your head. Repeat these exercises for up to three sets of 10 to 12 reps.

    Foot Care

    • By taking care of your feet and wearing the right type of shoes, you can increase your endurance during a 5K run. Runner's knee, for example, is sometimes caused by pronation of the foot, which is the rolling in and down of your foot while you run. Proper footwear and, if necessary, arch supports can prevent pronation that leads to runner's knee. In addition, regular checkups with a podiatrist can help you identify any potential problems with your feet that might slow you down on race day.

    Proper Breathing

    • Using the right breathing techniques can also make a difference while running a 5K. Breathing correctly can give you the energy to finish a race and also help you run faster. Make sure you fully inhale and fully exhale while running. You may be tempted to take shorter breaths, which expends more energy. Stew Smith, a special forces trainer and former Navy SEAL, suggests a 3:2 breathing pattern. This means you inhale for three steps and exhale for two. In other words, you begin to inhale when your left foot strikes the ground and continue inhaling through the next two steps. You then exhale on the next right and left foot strikes. Making this pattern a habit may require running slower at first until you get used to it.