Home Garden

The Benefits of Going Green in Interior Design

Green interior design is defined by the U.S. Building Council as "design and construction practices that significantly reduce or eliminate the negative impact of buildings on the environment and occupants." The process of designing the home so that it adheres to green standards involves using energy-efficient and nontoxic products as well as renewable sources of material. In doing so, you, the community, the environment and the economy will reap many benefits.
  1. Environmental Benefits

    • Homes that incorporate eco-friendly designs often utilize material that is not only renewable but also durable. For instance, bamboo or cork is preferable to solid hardwood flooring because no damage is done to the trees to produce cork and bamboo replenishes itself at an astounding rate. Opting to use sustainable material helps to reduce the negative impacts of natural resource consumption, which often include deforestation or loss of habitat and wildlife.

    Economic Benefits

    • Choosing an eco-friendly design in the home is often more economical than choosing a momentarily trendy design. By using renewable and self-sustaining material, there is no shortage of material and manufacturers won't feel the pressure to control demand by issuing price increases. In addition, using energy-efficient appliances, often marked by an Energy Star label on the packaging, offers a significant reduction in utility costs. Choosing energy-efficient products to equip the home reduces pollutants such as greenhouse gas emissions.

    Health and Safety Benefits

    • Many household items and furnishings emit toxic chemicals known as volatile organic compounds, or VOCs. These compounds may cause nasal, throat and eye allergies, skin irritations, headaches, dizziness and nausea. Eco-friendly products, such as paint, often contain low levels of VOCs or none at all. This effect is apparent almost immediately during the design process as no harsh smells are emitted due to the presence of toxic chemicals. Other products, such as traditional wallpaper, use chemical-based inks and solvents while environmentally safe wallpaper uses water-based ink and recyclable material.

    Community Benefits

    • Implementing green designs throughout the home benefits the community in two very important ways. First, it limits the strain felt by local infrastructures such as hospitals, schools and public transportation systems. For instance, being in good health will reduce hospital visits and allow you to focus on academics or social events. Second, it improves quality of life by eliminating the pressures associated with high living expenses. Rather than attending to your concerns, the focus then shifts to community improvement.