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Coffee Wall Decor Projects

For an invigorating, energizing art project, use all things coffee related to create an interesting wall collage. A framed collage along the wall of a kitchen or dining area allows for a funky art project that the whole family can get involved in creating. When decorating in coffee-themed wall art, there are many materials available for creating art, including coffee labels, burlap bean sacks, coffee beans and even coffee grounds.
  1. Coffee Ground Painting

    • When decorating a home's wall with coffee-themed art, create a custom painting for the wall collage using coffee grounds as the painting medium. This is a good project to get the kids involved in, allowing them to create pieces for the wall. Place 3 tbsp. of instant coffee crystals in a bowl of water. Stir and cover to allow the crystals to absorb water. On a canvas, sketch out the painting and use wax crayons to color in areas that should be colored in colors other than brown. Dip a paintbrush into the coffee, and paint over the picture. Allow it to dry, and paint again to create a darker shade if necessary.

    Coffee Bean Monogram

    • For another family art project, gather together a canvas, coffee beans, craft glue, a pencil, a bowl of water and a paintbrush. On the canvas, use the pencil to sketch out the family monogram or last initial. Cover the initial with craft glue, and shake coffee beans onto the glue. See that the initial is completely covered in coffee beans, and mix equal parts glue and water in the bowl. Dip a paintbrush in the glue mixture. Paint a layer on top of the coffee beans to help seal the work in place. Allow it to dry completely before hanging.

    Framed Labels

    • Finish off the art collage by gathering labels from favorite coffee brands and burlap sacks used to ship coffee beans. Also gather a bunch of picture frames of various sizes. Yard sales and thrift stores are good places to find inexpensive frames. Use spray paint to paint all of the frames. Unify the frames by painting them a single color, or create visual interest by using several colors to paint the frames. Cut out the labels using a ruler and a razor knife to create simple, straight edges. Finish off this project by placing the labels and bags into dry, painted frames.

    Full Wall Collage

    • After completing all of the artwork for the space, use newspaper to make a mock-up of the collage on the wall. Trace the frames onto newspaper to create the correct sizes. On the wall, arrange the newspapers with tape, moving them around until the format meets the family's needs. Design experts at Apartment Therapy suggest creating squares or rectangles on the walls and filling in the space with frames. Another idea involves creating a horizontal line across the space on which all the frames align. After the placement is correct, use nails to attach the frames to the wall, removing the wallpaper mock-up as you hang frames.