Home Garden

Does a Bedroom Have to Have a Window?

A bedroom does not have to have a window, and there are many good reasons for choosing to go without a window in one of the most private rooms of your home. Your bedroom is a place you go to unwind, sleep, change and share intimate moments. Having a clear-glass gateway to this sanctuary is not always a benefit, no matter how many window treatments you install.
  1. Downsides

    • Without a window, you won't have the natural alarm clock that is the sun to help rouse you. In the absence of increasing levels of light and without exterior noise to wake you, you may sleep for longer periods of time than you would in a room with a window. A windowless room may tend to feel stuffy or have stale air. If you study or work from your bedroom, the lack of bright, natural light may make you sleepy in the afternoon.


    • A bedroom without a window may spare you many of the distractions that interrupt sleep. Without a window, you will have less exposure to neighborhood noises, such as car alarms and barking dogs. You will also be able to sleep without the intrusion of light. This may be of particular help if you work swing or night shifts and find yourself forced to sleep during daylight hours. A windowless bedroom also may help you to feel more safe and secure, and from this sanctuary, you may be able to more easily relax and let go of stress.


    • When planning for a bedroom without a window, it is best to consider other options for exit in case of fire. By not having a bedroom window, you eliminate an entry point for burglars, and you will not have to worry about people seeing inside while you are dressing or sleeping; however, without this portal to the exterior of your home, you may not hear suspicious sounds and activities occurring outside your home, such as your own car alarm or barking dog.


    • In a windowless bedroom, you will save money on expensive window treatments and have extra wall space for other uses. A wall without a window could be used to hold a full closet, a set of bookshelves or a wealth of pictures, posters and artwork. A large mirror may help open the space, if the lack of a window gives the room a closed-in feel.