Home Garden

How to Give Ceilings Height

Many homes and apartments are made with low ceilings, making the room appear small and claustrophobic. There is often not much that you can do about the actual height of the ceiling, but you can employ tricks of misdirection to make the ceiling feel higher even though it is not.

Things You'll Need

  • Paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Wallpaper or curtains
  • Low-profile furniture
  • Free standing or wall-mounted lighting
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      Remove smoke detectors and lighting fixtures from the ceiling if possible. You want the surface to be a smooth, unbroken surface with nothing protruding that will draw the eye.

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      Paint the ceiling with white paint to open the space. The use of a semi-gloss or high-gloss paint will add some reflection, which in turn will make the ceiling appear higher by partly reflecting the room below.

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      Paint any crown molding the same color as the walls to minimize it. Any molding that stands out will only draw attention to the ceiling.

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      Paint a 5-inch border of the wall color around the edges of the ceiling. This will make the walls appear taller at first glance, giving the illusion of addition height.

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      Decorate with vertical lines extending from the floor to the ceiling. This can be accomplished with paint, wallpaper or by hanging vertical curtains that extend the entire length of the wall. Avoid horizontal lines, which will make the room appear smaller.

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      Fill the room with low-profile furniture to maximize the empty space at the top of the room. This furniture should incorporate as many simple, vertical lines as possible. Keep the height of the pieces consistent to keep people from noticing that they are lower than usual.

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      Use free-standing and wall-mounted lighting instead of lighting on the ceiling. Adjust the lighting to produce as little spill onto the ceiling as possible.