Home Garden

What Is an Inverted Tray Ceiling?

Think of a tray, the kind that you'd use to serve guests lemonade on a hot day. Now, imagine its size multiplied many times and placed in your ceiling. This would be an inverted tray ceiling. If the tray were positioned in the opposite direction, it would be a recessed tray. Both architectural details, soffits actually, add interest and elegance to your home.
  1. Installation of Inverted Tray Ceiling

    • You can install a tray ceiling, either inverted or recessed, in either a one- or two-story home. There is always enough room to do so. If you are remodeling, you'll need to tear out the area where you want the tray to be and construct a wooden or metal frame for the tray to be drywalled. There are also tray ceiling kits that make adding a tray relatively easy and cost-effective.

    An Inverted Tray Ceiling in the Kitchen

    • An inverted tray brings light and intimacy to this kitchen.

      With ceilings of 10 feet or more in most of today's homes and the use of recessed lighting, the light you need over your dining and work areas gets lost. These areas can benefit from an inverted tray treatment by effectively lowering the height of the ceiling over them to provide better lighting and add interest and coziness to the areas.

    Drop a Chandelier from the Dining Room Ceiling Tray

    • An inverted tray ceiling would add grace to this room.

      If you've ever seen a lighting fixture hanging from a very long chain over a dining room table, you know how awkward and unattractive that can be. By adding an inverted tray into a recessed tray ceiling, you add drama and class to your formal dining room. Indirect lighting can be placed inside the molding of the recessed tray, and your special chandelier can hang gracefully from the inverted tray over your table.

    An Inverted Tray Adds Intimacy in the Bedroom

    • The master bedroom should be masterful, elegant, serene and seductive, all at once. A plain expanse of ceiling conveys none of these. Adding a tray ceiling produces an entirely different ambiance. With an inverted tray ceiling inside a recessed or cove ceiling you introduce very interesting light, sound and decorative possibilities.