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How to Create a Feng Shui Meditation Room

A Feng Shui meditation room offers a quiet space for relaxation and meditation. It doesn't even have to be an entire room if you are stuck for space; it can be a dedicated space in the corner of your bedroom or living room. It is a sanctuary where you can relax your mind and connect with your inner spiritual self through meditation, prayer, contemplation and Yoga. By employing the ancient art of feng shui, you can design the room to create a positive flow of energy in this sacred space.


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      Clear the room completely so you have a blank canvas to work with. If possible, use a room that offers plenty of natural light.

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      Paint the room, according to feng shui principles, with "yin" colors, which are blue, green, black, white, pink and purple. Yin colors represent healing and relaxation, whereas "yang" colors represent fire elements and are considered more active and energetic. Yin/yang is the concept of the harmony of opposites in Asian philosophy. Blue is calming, soothing, peaceful and trusting. Green is healing and relaxing and represents growth and nature. Black represents emotional protection and power. White is serene, peaceful and spiritual. Pink represents love and romance. Purple is related to healing and spiritual awareness.

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      Create a comfortable place where you can sit or lie down to meditate. This is really down to personal choice. You may prefer a simple mat, a pile of floor cushions or a low stool. Whichever works best for you, ensure it is simple, and when using cushions, avoid busy patterns and stick with your color scheme.

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      Add any other furniture you require to the room, but keep it as minimal as possible. If you spend lots of time reading scriptures and inspirational material, a bookcase will keep your books neat and safe. A low table is perfect for displaying tabletop items you want to incorporate into the room, or a small altar.

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      Represent the four elements: earth, air, fire and water. A plant or a mini Zen garden represents the earth element. Air is often represented by burning incense or wind chimes. Candles represent the fire element. The water element can be represented by a small bowl of water or an indoor water fountain, which creates a soothing sound that can also help with relaxation and meditation.

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      Add accessories to the room. These should represent a special significance for you. For example, a statue of a favorite god or spiritual figure such as Buddha, or a picture of or a quote by someone you find inspiring, such as Gandhi. If you have traveled on a spiritual journey to somewhere such as India or Tibet, display items you picked up on your trip.

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      Add candles to the room. As well as representing the fire element, candles can help you to focus. Use different colors depending on how you feel and what you wish to achieve with each meditation. For example, gold represents male deities, silver represents female deities. Green represents fertility, prosperity and the earth element. Red is the color of fire, passion and energy. Blue represents wisdom, success and the water element. White represents the air element. Black repels negativity.