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Designs for What to Do With a Large Blank Wall With a Really High Ceiling

Designing a space with a large blank wall with a really high ceiling is a real design challenge. However, with a few design tips and tricks, you can create a space that's visually pleasing. What's most important is that you come up with a design that's balanced to the size of your wall and height of your ceiling.
  1. Paint

    • Paint a large blank wall with a really high ceiling in a paint color that cause the walls to advance towards you, such as red, gold, orange and brown. This gives the space a more intimate and cozy feel. Paint the ceiling in a dark color, such as brown, to make the ceiling appear lower. This also makes the room feel more intimate and cozy. If, however, you want to take advantage of the size of the space, paint the walls in colors such as blue, green or violet, which make walls appear to recede. Use a light color on the ceiling, such as white, to make the ceiling appear even higher.


    • Proportion is important when choosing patterns on your walls. Therefore, you should apply wallpaper with large patterns on a large wall to keep your design proportional or balanced. Unlike small patterns, large patterns are more restful to the eye, especially on a large wall. Use textured wallpaper to give the wall some dimension in addition to covering imperfections. Moreover, avoid small patterns with offset matches because they are difficult to match up in repeat, especially in a room with a large wall.

    Wall Art

    • As with wallpaper, proportion is important when choosing artwork for your walls. Choose one large work of art that's big enough to cover most of the wall or choose several smaller works to cover the wall. You can decorate vertically, or with artwork that's longer in length than in width to cover more space between the floor and the ceiling, as well as to emphasize the height of the wall. However, decorate with horizontal artwork to visually lower the ceiling.


    • Although costly, another option for a large blank wall with a really high ceiling is to install windows. Custom windows that are not standard-sized can increase costs by 50 to100 percent per window, excluding installation by a professional. However, clerestory windows installed in a large blank wall with high ceiling create visual interest in the space, updates your home and brightens up a room by allowing natural light in.