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Office Wall Cabinets and Bookcase Design Ideas

The process of putting together a design plan for an office's cabinetry and bookcases involves selecting the office's design style and choosing coordinating pieces that fit well together in the room. Beyond the aesthetics of the office furnishings, planning a layout that organizes the storage units in both a functional and efficient way will make the space very comfortable and inspiring to work in.
  1. Adequate Storage Space

    • Make the most use of the available floor space by selecting bookcases that can fill spaces along a bare wall. Determine how much bookcase storage the office needs by examining the amount of books, paper and equipment that will be stored in the office.

      Install wall cabinets above the desk and/or along another wall at about eye level. House extra paper, writing pads and extra office supplies, such as pens, staples, empty folders and paper clips in them. Because the cabinets have doors, they are ideal for storing items that would make the space seem cluttered.

    Color Palette and Wood Tones

    • Choose the right colors and wood tones in the cabinetry and bookcases that complete the aesthetic design of the room's furniture. These pieces, along with the desk, form the basis of the office's design theme, so select coordinating units to give the office a feel of classic uniformity -- or mix and match complementary pieces to vary the tones and colors in the room and add interest and dimension to the office's furniture design. Streamlined pieces with minimal detail gives the office a modern feel, while a mix of ornate furniture pieces will give the office a traditional presentation.

    The Flow

    • The placement of the office desk, the cabinets and the bookcases must be arranged in an orientation that gives the room a flow that makes sense and that does not overpower the space. This means that the desk is first placed in the most comfortable spot in the room, the wall cabinets occupy overhead wall space away from the traffic flow and the bookcases are aligned along the walls in a way that does not make the room feel too closed in. The wall cabinets and bookcases are also far enough away from the door so that it opens and closes easily.

    Large Office Areas

    • Wall cabinets and bookcases can have a lot of valuable usage in large offices that feature several work-station cubicles. Outfit each work station with its own wall cabinetry above the desk to make it easy to store and access supplies on site. Place a small bookcase unit against one of the cubicle's walls for extra storage. Select the style and color of the units to carry the design theme throughout the office location.

      Wall cabinets and bookcases in the office's common areas for making copies and faxes, for conferencing and in the break room, provide on-site organized storage for each area's supplies. Select the same cabinetry and bookcases as the ones used in the cubicles for these spaces, or set them apart with different colors, styles and wood tones in each section of the office.