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Different Layout Ideas for a Long Bedroom

If you're feeling like you're sleeping in a bowling alley, it's time to reconfigure your bedroom. Avoid placing the furniture around the outside walls, which will simply increase the bowling alley effect. Instead, use furniture strategically to break up the space. Windows, mirrors and artwork can also create the illusion of a spacious room.
  1. Focal Point

    • Create a focal point in the room, whether it's an ornate bed with luxurious linens, a row of windows or a charming fireplace. Arrange other furniture around that focal point so the eye goes there. Don't make your focal point at the narrow, far end of the room, though, which will only accentuate the room's narrow shape. Place a bed, for example, in the middle of the room against a long wall, or position the bed squarely in a corner so it sits on an angle to the room. Choose functional furniture that is in scale with the room, or select a few large pieces. Bunk beds and built-in bookshelves are good choices for very small narrow rooms.

    Reading and Work Spaces

    • Break up a long narrow bedroom by dividing the room into at least two separate sections. Make one area, for example, the sleeping area with the bed, a nightstand and lamp. In a smaller area, design an office with a small writing desk, lamp and chair. Or, add a comfortable lounge chair, a lamp and bookshelves for a cozy reading area. You can break up the spaces visually with low bookcases or furniture, but don't completely close them off. Use common colors and design themes throughout the room to give it a unified, flowing feeling.

    Area Rugs

    • Use area rugs to break up a long, narrow bedroom and provide warmth, especially if you have hard flooring. A warm, dark rug will make the room seem smaller and cozier, while a light rug expands the room. Select rugs with simple patterns over ornate, busy designs. Area rugs can also help visually delineate a room into separate areas. Place a rug for example, in an area that you've designed as a reading corner to separate it from the sleeping area.

    Trick the Eye

    • To make a long room seem smaller, position the bed on one long wall. Paint the long walls with a light, neutral color to make them recede. Paint the short far wall with a warm hue, which will make it seem closer. Use large pieces of artwork or mirrors to break up long walls and make the room seem cozier. If the room seems small and oppressive, try hanging curtains several inches higher than the actual window, which will make the windows seem larger and the ceiling seem higher.