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What Are the Three Types of Landscape Art?

Landscape art is typically described as a painting or photograph in which the subjects are of nature. While every artist has his own style of creating landscape art, this genre is typically grouped into three categories: representational, impressionistic and abstract. Each style has its own characteristics, varying with colors, lighting and props placed in the shot.
  1. Landscape Art

    • In landscape paintings and photographs, additional elements are rarely added, other than the landscape itself. Traditionally, animals and people are not included in landscape pieces, nor are images of oceans. The purpose of the landscape piece is to demonstrate the natural beauty of nature, be it calming, fierce or surreal.

    Representational Landscape Art

    • Representational landscape art is the most basic of the genre. In representational pieces, no special colors or filters are used to produce an unrealistic effect. Rather, representational landscape art focuses on the naturally occurring beauty of nature, and paints a realistic picture of the subject.

    Impressionistic Landscape Art

    • Impressionistic landscape art focuses on depicting a realistic scene in an almost unrealistic light. This is achieved using several methods, including separating the foreground from the background using soft focus, applying unusual lighting techniques or incorporating saturated, bright or unnatural colors into the scene. Impressionistic landscape art replies heavily on the artist or photographer's vision and ability to create a stunning image from nature, with the help of his artistic abilities.

    Abstract Landscape Art

    • Abstract landscape art relies less on the surrounding environment of the landscape, and more on the representation of the main subject of the image. In an abstract landscape piece, the landscape might be the background, and in the foreground may focus on a single component, such as an unusually shaped tree branch, or the shadow cast by a large object.