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Feng Shui: How Many Wind Chimes by the Front Door?

Feng shui (pronounced "foong shway") tradition suggests adding a single, well-tuned wind chime near your front door to welcome positive energy, as the introduction of sound or music is one of the most effective "cures" for problem areas. Putting multiple wind chimes in a small space can result in clashing sounds, which may influence the energy, or "qi" (pronounced "chee"), in and around your front door in a negative way. The website Feng Shui Room Design provides several examples of how wind chimes, also known as magic bells, are used to improve or balance the flow of qi by the front doors of homes, businesses and rooms.
  1. Fortunate Numbers

    • One of the primary guidelines for proper wind chime placement according to feng shui is the number of rods or bells the trinket has. Wind chimes with five rods are symbolic of the five traditional feng shui elements, and they are used to suppress bad luck and for protection against negative energy (sha ch'i). Wind chimes with five, six, eight or nine rods are used to attract positive energy (sheng ch'i), good health and fortune.

    Unlucky Numbers

    • Just as certain numbers attract positive qi, feng shui teaches that some numbers are detrimental to the flow of energy through your home. Numbers that sound like words with bad connotations when spoken are considered unlucky in Chinese lore. Wind chimes with or four, which sounds like the word for "death" in Chinese, rods, for example, may be a poor feng shui choice for your front door.


    • Take the material of different wind chimes into consideration when choosing one to place near your front door. It's important to try to match the material of your wind chime with the element of the bagua area in which your front door is located. The "bagua" (also known as the "Ba Gua") map or chart of feng shui is divided into eight areas that correlate different areas of a space to various areas of your life. Traditionally, wind chimes made of brass, copper or another metal are most beneficial in the north, northwest and west bagua areas, while wind chimes made of bamboo or hollow wood benefit the south, southeast and east bagua areas. Ceramic or porcelain wind chimes are ideal for earth element bagua areas, namely the center, east, northeast and southwest bagua areas.


    • Any symbols present in the design of the wind chime also influences its placement near a front door, according to feng shui. Wind chimes that feature a Buddha image attract energies that help with spiritual growth, while the Mystic Knot is used to attract harmonious energies that continuously bring good fortune. Placing a wind chime with the image of Chin Li, a creature of Chinese lore, near the front door will protect your home and the inhabitants from bad luck, illness or demons. These are just a few images commonly used as feng shui "cures," so pick a wind chime that has an image that resonates with you in a positive way.