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How to Decorate Your Bedroom to Feel Happy

Even though it's usually the least lived-in room in a home, a person's bedroom is his sanctuary -- a place where he should feel relaxed and happy. But in some cases, bedrooms can be bland and boring -- in need of something special to make the atmosphere more pleasant. That's when new items should be introduced, and the bed and furniture repositioned, to make the room a more cheerful place to be.


    • 1

      Make a list of things you associate with happiness. The list will vary with individual tastes, but common items that are appropriate for placement in a bedroom include framed photography, stuffed animals, posters, paintings, mementos and other things that have a positive visual presence. Also pick a favorite color or two to add to the list.

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      Come up with an overarching theme for the bedroom. Look through the list and pick out the things that are most closely associated with each other, then think of a theme to tie them all together. For example, if most of the items are associated with water or the sea, an aquatic theme would make the most sense. Having a theme can help prevent the bedroom from having a chaotic, disorganized look to it.

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      Go shopping for anything on your list that isn't already on hand. After narrowing down the list to the essential items, check first to see if any of the items are already in your home. Whatever's not on hand must be purchased. Check with favorite retail outlets and online retailers, and comparison shop for the best prices.

    • 4

      Decorate the bedroom. Before the new theme is installed, decide if the room's furniture needs to be rearranged, and if so, how. If the bed and other furniture are placed in an awkward or cluttered manner, reposition them in way that makes more sense and leaves enough space to freely move around. Then redecorate the room according to the chosen theme.