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How to Build a Backyard for Children

For many parents, the backyard is a safe place where the children can play, have fun, and expend energy without destroying the house. A well designed backyard will keep your children safe and entertained while you supervise their activities from the patio or the house. As an added bonus, an entertaining backyard will help engage kids in healthy physical activities and keep them away from the television.


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      Build one or two "play areas," like a jungle gym and a sandbox, but leave a large open area for kids to run around. Different ideas for play areas include a fort, tire swing, tree house or swing set. There are advantages, disadvantages and safety concerns for each play area, so choose wisely. Children can easily become injured on any play area that they can climb upon or fall from. Once you've built your play areas, talk to your kids about safety in the back yard, and set up rules that prevent injuries. For example, create a rule that requires your children to cross a certain distance away from the swing set to prevent one child from accidentally kicking another child while swinging.

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      Set up a shaded picnic table or patio table for outdoor eating. This will come in handy on long summer days when your kids become so dirty you may not wish to invite them in for lunch. Reseal your picnic table annually to preserve the wood.

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      Provide areas of shade and areas of sun. If your backyard does not have a mature tree to provide your children with shade, build a covered patio where your children can rest if they've worn themselves out.

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      Keep the grass healthy, mowed and watered: re-sod if necessary. Remove sticks, unused sprinklers, rocks, bricks and stones from the yard. These obstacles could injure your children while they run.