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10 Ways to Repurpose a Canvas Bag

Repurposing a canvas bag means using the bag for another purpose, which can be unrelated to the original function of carrying things. Not only does repurposing a canvas bag allow you to create something that is unique and handy, you also save money by not having to purchase a new item to serve that repurposed function. If you have a leftover canvas bag, consider ways that you can repurpose it.
  1. Wall Art

    • If you need to add some art to an empty wall in the house, you can paint a graphic onto a canvas bag and hang the bag as art. One idea is to cut the handles off, frame the bag and just show the side with the graphic on it. Or you can create a collection of canvas bag art for a theme in the entryway of your home or the kitchen.


    • You can use a canvas bag to help organize your things. For instance, if you buy potatoes and want to keep them separate from the other foods in your cabinet, stick the potatoes inside the canvas bag so that they do not come into contact with the other items. A canvas bag also can help you organize books, art supplies or hardware.


    • A canvas bag may make a suitable accessory for a costume. For instance, you can cut eye and mouth holes in the bag, glue straw to it and wear it on your head for a scarecrow costume. Or design the bag to look like a superhero mask.


    • Turn a canvas bag into a place mat for the dining table. Cut out a rectangle from the side and set it underneath your plate for any meal. Try to get two place mats out of one canvas bag -- so that you have a pair -- depending on how large the bag is.

    Shopping Basket

    • Use a canvas bag as a shopping basket. Rather than exposing yourself to the germs that linger on a grocery shopping cart or basket, bring the canvas bag with you to the grocery store, put your groceries inside of it and bring it to the checkout counter. Check with your supermarket first to make sure it allows outside bags.

    Pet Toy

    • The handles of the canvas bag may be useful as a pet toy. Since they are long when cut from the bag and opened up, you can use them to stimulate cats for a game of chase or get your puppy's attention with it. Use the strappy canvas handles to dangle toys in front of pets so that they practice pawing the toy.

    Laundry Storage

    • Store dirty laundry inside a canvas bag. Rather than leaving socks and other garments on the floor or spending money on laundry baskets, throw everything into a canvas bag that you carry over your shoulder to the washing machine.


    • A canvas bag can be turned into a pillow. Removing the handles from the canvas bag leaves you with a rectangular or other shape. The inside of the bag can be stuffed with pillow stuffing or a pillow insert and the top opening can be sewn shut to make a pillow.

    Cleaning Rag

    • Cut the canvas bag into pieces that can be used as cleaning rags. Since a canvas bag is made out of cotton, it can be used for cleaning with water or cleaning agents. Then, the canvas rags can be washed to be reused again.


    • If you have an infant or toddler on your hands, figure out what types of clothing items you can make from a canvas bag. Socks, pants and dresses are examples of garments that can be sewn from canvas bags.