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How to Make a Bi-fold Door From a Standard Door

A standard door can be converted into a bi-fold door with the installation of bi-fold door hinges. Typically, the standard door needs to be slightly under half the width of the door opening so that two or more standard doors can be joined together to fold. While it is possible to cut a large solid wood door in half vertically and join it with bi-fold hinges, this will usually not look appropriate if the door has any panel design, as the panels will no longer be symmetrical. For this reason, individual doors are selected that are narrow enough to fit as a pair inside the opening. Converting a pair of standard doors into a bi-fold is as simple as installing the correct fasteners for your bi-fold system.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 doors
  • Wood clamps
  • Bi-fold hinges
  • Screwdriver
  • Bi-fold track fasteners
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    • 1

      Place two standard doors on top of each other on the work table, with the hinge sides facing you.

    • 2

      Align the edges of the doors and clamp both ends with wood clamps.

    • 3

      Measure the height of the door and divide by five. Mark off your five sections on the hinge-side of the doors using a straight edge.

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      Center a hinge over a mark so that the mounting side of the hinge is flat against the side edges of the doors. Align the hinge exactly between and parallel with the height of the door. Screw the hinge into place. Use no mortise hinges. Repeat for each hinge.

    • 5

      Attach the guide at the top and bottom of the door. The bi-fold guide varies depending on the manufacturer of your product. Typically, the guide runs in a track mounted to the header and the floor. Follow the manufacturer's directions for mounting your bi-fold guides.