Home Garden

How to Cut Trim Around a Column Against a Vaulted Ceiling

Trim pieces that fit the tops and bottoms of interior home columns are usually sold as solid blocks. The top of the column may be square, while the details below the square top are cut to circular contours. Some column tops have engraved details that look like scrolls. Most of these trims are installed the same way, regardless of the apparent design of the column top.

Things You'll Need

  • Plumb bob
  • Ceiling angle tool
  • Level
  • Straight edge
  • Miter saw
  • Column ring
  • Shims
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    • 1

      Mark the exact center of your column base with an "X" by drawing diagonal lines between opposing corners. Your column base should be mounted at the location where you're installing your column. Stand on a ladder and hang a plumb bob over the column base's X to find the exact center for the column top. A plumb bob is a long string with a weight on the bottom. The weight comes to a point. When you hold the plumb bob over the X on the floor, you can locate the vertical X as the point where the string touches the ceiling. Mark an X on the ceiling directly over the X on the column base.

    • 2

      Hold a ceiling angle tool against the angle of the vaulted ceiling and against the adjacent wall and lock in the angle. An angle tool has two arms on a pivot point. By holding one arm level on a vertical wall, and rotating the second arm to the angle of the vaulted ceiling, the tool will identify the exact ceiling angle relative to the wall.

    • 3

      Place the column topper on its side on the work table. The top of the column topper is usually square for several inches above the contoured, rounded sections. Position one leg of the tool aligned with the vertical corner of the square section of the topper. This will cause the second leg of the tool to cross the flat face of the column topper at an angle matching that of the ceiling. Draw a line on the topper following the angle of the tool.

    • 4

      Place the marked column topper on the table. Position a piece of cardboard straight on the side and follow the angle of the tool. Cut the angle with scissors until the cardboard matches the column topper. Take your template up the ladder and test fit it against the vaulted ceiling. Use a level to check the straightness of the vertical side.

    • 5

      Cut your column topper with a miter saw once you feel good about the angle. Measure the width of your topper. Because the topper is square at the top, the length and width will be the same measurement. Divide your width measurement in half. Measure away from your center ceiling mark and draw a short line. Repeat this procedure in all four directions to create guide marks for your topper placement. Apply construction adhesive to the top of the column top. Center the top on your marks. Measure the height of the topper and the height of the base and subtract this amount from the full height of the ceiling at the highest point of the topper. Trim the top of your column 1/4 inch less than your difference measurement.

    • 6

      Center your column on the base. Slide a column ring over the column. Squirt construction adhesive between the column bottom and base and tip the column into position. Your column should be 1/4 inch shorter than its full height to allow you to install the cap in this way.

    • 7

      Add wood shims between the top of the column and the column topper until the fit is snug and centered. Trim off the excess wood shims. Slide the column ring over the gap. Apply a bead of construction adhesive around the ring. Press the ring into place. Nail it with finish nails.