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Building Interior Waterfalls

Building an interior fountain or waterfall is a fulfilling project and easier to accomplish than you may think. Waterfalls or fountains can be small enough to fit on a table top or large enough to span several stories. The latter requires professional planning and special materials but incorporates the same basic principles as any waterfall design. To build a waterfall or fountain, you just need a container, a water pump, rocks or other materials and tubing for the pump.
  1. Materials for Tabletop Waterfalls

    • Small tabletop waterfalls may be constructed with basic materials found around the home and at home improvement stores. Select a container, such as a ceramic bowl or pot, that reaches 8 to 16 inches in diameter and 4 to 6 inches deep. You will also need a pump that pumps less than 100 gallons per hour, such as a fish tank pump available from pet stores. Select plastic tubing to produce water flow, and keep in mind that the smaller the tubing, the faster the water flows. Place materials in the fountain as desired, such as rocks and pebbles or shells. Include large pieces such as stones to elevate the water and create a falling effect.

    Construction of Tabletop Waterfalls

    • When placing the pump in the water, make sure it is completely submerged and that the water covers the intake valve by at least 2 inches. The plastic tubing is connected to the pump spout and set so it elevates the water. To encourage a cascading effect, construct taller elements such as large piles of stone that elevate and surround the tubing. You can arrange the stones so the water cascades down them. You may also place plants such as bamboo and ivy in the container to create a natural accent. The water pump benefits from anchoring provided by rocks, pebbles, crystals and other hard materials arranged in the container.

    Large Waterfalls

    • Some indoor waterfalls can be constructed to a very large scale, such as 30 feet tall or more. These wall waterfalls often involve glass plates over which the water flows down smoothly before it gets pumped back upward to complete the cycle. A large basin at the bottom and a powerful pump are necessary for such a project. When attempting larger wall waterfalls like this, it is best to get advice about materials and design from a professional architect or designer.

    Benefits of Waterfalls

    • Flowing water is known to create a negative-ion environment, which promotes clear thinking and relaxation. Depending on the materials you select for the basin, such as wood and stones, you can create various natural scenes that provide balance in office or living spaces. If you choose not to construct your own, you can purchase a waterfall kit from stores, which provides the necessary materials and an easy construction process.