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How to Etch on Flagstone

While etching flagstone is commonly for memorials, awards or headstones, it is also sometimes performed for solely decorative purposes by giving the stone a specialized design. Care is always necessary when etching flagstone to both prevent the stone from cracking and to prevent injury from the etching tool or flying debris. Many flagstones are thin so too much pressure results in fracturing that ruins the piece. The advantage of etching is that you end up with a personalized piece of stone upon completion.

Things You'll Need

  • Liquid dish soap
  • Soft sponge
  • Towel
  • Washable marker
  • Workbench or concrete surface
  • Clamps (optional)
  • Etching/engraving tool with a carbide or diamond tip
  • Safety gloves and goggles
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      Inspect the stone carefully before beginning. Any deep cracks or crumbling indicates structural instability and you should choose a new piece to etch.

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      Wash the flagstone with warm water, a scrubbing sponge and several drops of dish soap to remove any dirt, grease or debris from the stone surface. Rinse and then dry the stone with a towel. Allow the remaining moisture to air-dry before continuing.

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      Draw the design or lettering that you wish to etch onto the stone in marker. This gives you a guideline while using an etching tool.

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      Place the flagstone on a firm surface like concrete or a workbench. Clamp it down if possible to prevent it from sliding while you do the etching.

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      Hold an engraving tool with either a carbide or diamond tip to the flagstone. The tip should be at a slight angle like a pencil held up to paper. Apply light pressure and turn the engraver on. Move your hand slowly across the flagstone and trace your drawn design or lettering with the tool. Adjust the bit setting to make a deeper or shallower cut in the stone.

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      Rinse the stone when you're finished to remove any remaining marker.