Home Garden

How to Decorate Tiny Homes

If you have a tiny home, or a home with tiny rooms, then the style of decor is very important. The right interior decor can make a large space appear much smaller, or a small space appear larger. With careful planning, and the correct use of colors, furniture, space-saving storage and accessories, you can trick the eye into believing that a tiny room is actually quite a spacious place.


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      Paint the ceiling bright white to give the room a feeling of height, and stick to whites, creams and light, neutral colors on the walls. Avoid wallpapers with intricate or bold patterns. The walls should be clean, light and simple. Paint areas such as skirting boards and door frames white.

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      Keep the flooring light and simple, and preferably the same throughout. This creates a flowing effect, rather than a stop-start effect as the flooring in each room changes. Light, wooden flooring adds warmth to the cool wall colors, and is suited to all rooms in a home. Natural carpets such as seagrass, sisal, jute and hemp are neutrally-colored and extremely hard wearing, making them excellent alternatives to wooden flooring and suitable for the entire home.

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      Don't overcrowd the interior with furniture, as this will undo all the good work you've done creating a light, airy space. Keep it simple and minimal. Choose furniture with clean lines and no elaborate detailing, and avoid intricate patterns on fabrics and upholstery. Glass-topped items such as coffee tables continue the flow because the eye looks through them instead of being blocked by a solid surface. There are a number of extremely clever space-saving furniture options available, including fold-away beds, media centers, closet storage devices, plus laundry, pantry and utility storage items.

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      Use reflective surfaces to help bounce light around the home. Glass, marble and high-gloss finishes are just a few examples. Add glass blocks to solid walls to allow light to filter through to areas without windows such as hallways. Mirrors offer possibly the most effective way of reflecting light; place them opposite windows and in dark corners, and use mirror tiles to create interesting focal points.

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      Keep accessories minimal. Because glass and mirrors are among the biggest causes of echoes in the home, some soft furnishings are necessary. The only rule here is keep it simple and light. Combine different fabrics such as satin, cotton and velvet to add texture to the room, but avoid strong patterns. Use cushions to add a splash of bolder color, and keep window dressing clean and simple. Lighting is another important consideration. Spotlights in the floor provide a funky and effective way to create a feeling of space. Create a centerpiece with a glass bowl filled with water and floating candles.