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How to Cure a Slanted Ceiling in a Feng Shui Bedroom

Feng Shui literally translates from the Chinese to "wind and water" and refers to a practice thousands of years old that focuses on the precise placement and arrangement of objects, furniture and lighting to create the optimum harmony with the surrounding environment. Chinese culture dictates that this harmony can affect many aspects of life, including relationships and wealth. A disharmony of these elements can create bad Feng Shui. Having a sloped ceiling in your bedroom causes the chi to exert a great deal of pressure on you as it streams downwards via the slope of the ceiling. Luckily, you can cure this issue on your own.

Things You'll Need

  • Mirror
  • Accent table
  • Pot of bamboo chutes
  • Measuring tape
  • Fabric
  • Scissors
  • Push pins
  • Hammer
  • Nail
  • Crystal pendant
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      Move your bed to an area of the room where it is away from the sloped ceiling, if possible.

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      Lay a mirror on the top of an accent table, night stand or any flat surface that faces the sloped ceiling. Together, the flat surface of the mirror and the flat surface of the table facing the ceiling will assist you in lifting the chi.

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      Place a pot of bamboo shoots on a table beneath the slanted ceiling to lift the chi.

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      Measure the length and width of the sloped wall. Cut a soft piece of fabric such as velvet, chiffon or flannel to these dimensions. Hang the fabric over the sloped ceiling, using push pins.

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      Hammer a small 1-inch nail into the wall by the head of the bed. Hang a faceted crystal ball on this nail for protection.