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How to Decorate Your Room Using Things You Already Have With Feng Shui

Feng Shui is used to create balance between people and their environment. It applies ancient principles in the art of placement to create a positive flow of energy and promote greater happiness, health and prosperity. Your bedroom should be your sanctuary, a place where the body rests and rejuvenates. By understanding a few basic Feng Shui principles, you can rearrange your furniture and remove any harmful objects to create a room with a balanced and positive flow of energy.

Things You'll Need

  • Bed
  • Two nightstands
  • Two lamps
  • Inspiring Artwork
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      Place your bed in an appropriate position. According to Feng Shui principles, the foot of your bed should not be facing the door. The ideal placement of a bed should be along a solid wall, with no windows above it, diagonally farthest from the door. A wood bed with a headboard along a solid wall creates a feeling of being safe and secure. You should be able to approach the bed easily from both sides and a quality mattress helps promote rest.

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      Use two nightstands, one on each side of the bed. Symmetry is important in Feng Shui. Items are often placed in pairs and two nightstands help promote symmetry in the room. Two lamps should be used, one on each nightstand. The lamps should match and not be two different styles.

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      Don't place a mirror facing the bed. If you have a mirror in your room, it should not be facing the bed. It can be placed so that it looks sideways onto the bed.

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      Remove the TV, computer, desks and exercise equipment. The bedroom should be for rest and relaxation, not working, watching TV or exercising. The energies of work and sleep are not compatible so your computer and desk should ideally not be in the bedroom. If it must be, use a screen to separate the spaces.

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      De-clutter your room. Your bedroom should be a serene, clutter-free space. Remove any items you do not have a space to store. Keep the area under the bed free of clutter as well. Remove any items that have negative energy such as divorce papers.

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      Arrange accessories. The phone and alarm clock should not be next to the bed, but on the other side of the room. Artwork should be joyful and inspiring and placed in pairs. If you have luxurious linens, these should be used on the bed.

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      Think about colors. If you have access to paint, calming colors such as blue, purple and beige are good for the bedroom. Red and pink are passion colors. If you want to add some romance to the bedroom, add touches of passion colors such as a red blanket or red throw pillows.