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How to Declutter to Have a Minimalist Bedroom

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the definition of the term "minimalist" is "being or providing a bare minimum of what is necessary." Design a bedroom based on a minimalist approach to declutter and create a more organized space. Remove unwanted and unneeded items and keep only the items you regularly use or items of sentimental value stored in an organized fashion. Reduce stress by knowing exactly where everything is at a moment's notice instead of continually sorting through piles of clutter and unused items.

Things You'll Need

  • Storage bins
  • Closet organizer system
  • Paint
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    • 1

      Remove all unnecessary furniture in the bedroom to create a less cluttered and more spacious room. Opt for a bed, dresser and shelf only, all with clean, simple designs and in solid colors, such as white or natural wood. Attach simple lights to the wall, on either side of the bed, for nighttime reading to eliminate the need for a nightstand.

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      Hang a few framed pictures, in simple frames, and a large mirror above the dresser to decorate the walls in the bedroom. Keep wall art to a minimum and avoid overly elaborate frames and bright colors.

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      Remove all clutter and items from around the room, including under the bed, and sort into three piles: items to keep, items to throw away and items to donate. When done sorting, bag up the items to throw away or donate -- and remove them from the room. Sort the "keep" pile into items you need or use regularly and items that you are saving because of sentimental value. Place all sentimental-value items in a plastic storage bin and store in the basement, attic or storage closet. Organize the remaining items on a shelf in the bedroom or in under-the-bed storage bins. Use small tubs and bins on the shelf to store small items and maintain an organized look in the room.

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      Organize your bedroom closet in the same minimalist manner that you used to clear the clutter in the room itself. Remove everything from the closet area and sort clothes, shoes and accessories into piles, only keeping items you have regularly worn over the last year. Bag up and donate all items you have not worn in the last year and ones in incorrect sizes. Place clothing items you are keeping back into the closet, and install any necessary shelving, racks or drawers for organization of smaller items, such as shoes, belts and hats. Reduce stress by only keeping clothing and accessories you use to eliminate the frustration of searching every morning through clothing you dislike or cannot wear because of an incorrect size.

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      Complete the minimalist look in the bedroom by using solid-colored linens, curtains and a simple neutral-colored rug. Avoid bright, bold patterns and busy designs. Repaint the walls, if necessary, to a neutral solid, such as light brown, pale blue or green to finish the simplified and organized look.