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How to Feng Shui a Bedroom for a Young Woman in Her Late 20s

The ancient Chinese art of feng shui can be used to help many aspects of your life. A woman in her late twenties may wish to progress further in her career, need a cash boost, or want to encourage a partner into her life or start a family. Feng shui has many ways to help achieve positive change.


    • 1

      Paint the walls with yin colors: blue, green, purple, pink, black and white. Yang colors such as orange and reds are considered too stimulating for a bedroom. Blue is calm, soothing and peaceful. Green is balancing and tranquil. Purple is associated with spiritual awareness and healing. Pink represents love and romance. Black symbolizes career and income. White represents purity, poise and spirituality.

    • 2

      Arrange furniture to represent equality and balance. Have equal amounts of space on either side of the bed. Have two of everything to encourage a partner into your life, or equal roles in an existing partnership. For example, two bedside tables and two pictures above the bed instead of one.

    • 3

      Map the bedroom with a Bagua map. Draw a nine-square grid on a piece of paper, with three rows of three. Label the squares. The top row from left to right represents "wealth and prosperity," "fame and reputation" and "love and marriage." The middle row from left to right represents "health and family," "center, earth" and "creativity and children." The bottom row from left to right represents "knowledge and self-cultivation," "career" and "helpful people and travel."

    • 4

      Draw a simple outline of the bedroom. Place the Bagua map on top of the bedroom plan, with the bottom row of the map pointing towards the front door of the home. This will tell you which areas of the bedroom represent which aspects of your life, allowing you to implement the necessary changes.

    • 5

      Improve career prospects by placing something black in the career area, as indicated by the Bagua map. This area also represents the element water, which can be represented with a small bowl of water with floating candles. Place something black, blue or green to improve your knowledge and self-cultivation in the appropriate corner of your room. Represent the colors white, gray or black in the travel area.

    • 6

      Improve health or family matters by placing something blue or green in the appropriate area, which also represents the wood element. Place a yellow or brown item such as a floor rug or lampshade in the center of the room. This is the I Ching of the Bagua map. It represents earth, which is you, centered and whole. If you feel you need a creative boost or want to start a family, use white and pastels in that area of the room, which represents the metal element.

    • 7

      Place something to represent the colors blue, purple and red in the wealth and prosperity corner if you need a cash flow boost. Use reds in the fame and reputation area, which also represents the element fire. To encourage love into your life or focus on marriage, use reds, pinks and whites in this area of the room.