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How to Make a Bed With a Decorative Comforter

Making the bed can be a matter of function, just to tidy the room or it can be an extension of your sense of style and comfort. A personally chosen down comforter can enhance both style and comfort. The proper pattern will complement the rest of your decorations and the extra softness of a comforter may ensure that you enjoy a better night's sleep. Making the bed properly only adds to the decorative advantages of a comforter.


    • 1

      Lay the comforter across the bed before you put down any pillows.

    • 2

      Slide the top of the comforter all the way to the top of the bed. Arrange the pillows on top of the comforter.

    • 3

      Let the sides and end of the comforter hang about half the way to the floor. It should hang equally on each side. Use a bed skirt to cover the remainder of the distance to the floor.