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How to Decorate a Bedroom When the Headboard Has to Go in Front of a Double Window

When the best place for your headboard is in front of a double window, you have a choice to make. You can choose a small headboard and let more natural light in, or choose a large, decorative headboard and limit the light entering your room. Decorate your room to reflect your personality and individual style, no matter where the bed must be. Work with the layout of your room to create a design you love.


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      Hang a decorative curtain rod above your window. Try to match it to your decor. Metal curtain rods with swirls on the ends can be spray painted to match any bedroom color.

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      Find sheer curtains that flow rather than hang and suspend them from the curtain rod behind your bed.

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      Hammer pegs or curtain hooks into the walls on either side of your bed, about 3 feet above the mattress or a few inches above the headboard.

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      Pull the drapes behind the hooks in the wall so they frame your bed.

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      Choose a bright or bold large print to place on a wall without windows. It helps give your bedroom a focal point that isn't the window behind your headboard.

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      Match the colors in your print and the colors in your drapes and headboard to a series of throw rugs on the ground.