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How to Arrange Chairs in Front of a Fireplace

A well-thought-out seating arrangement encourages conversation and interaction, makes the room comfortable and inviting and uses floor space efficiently. A fireplace is a natural focal point of a room, but it's also important to facilitate easy eye contact between the chairs' occupants. A successful seating arrangement should take into account the relationship of the chairs to the fireplace so that the entire room is integrated to feature the fire while creating a suitable conversation area.


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      Place two chairs facing the fireplace for a small, intimate conversation area. Angle the chairs toward each other so the occupants can see each other comfortably, while keeping the fireplace the focus of the room.

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      Arrange your chairs in an L-shape when there are competing focal points in the room. For example, if a wall adjacent to the fireplace holds a TV or a picture window, place a line of chairs facing that wall and a line of chairs facing the fireplace.

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      Arrange a large group of chairs in a U-shape. This configuration is best for a room with lots of seating, where the U-shape offers a functional conversation area with chairs on three sides oriented to feature the fireplace at the open end.

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      Place two lines of chairs facing each other and perpendicular to the fireplace to form a parallel seating arrangement. This puts the fireplace off to the side but leaves the chairs' occupants facing each other for more direct eye contact.