Home Garden

What Is the Correct Height Placement for Door Knockers?

A door knocker, both a decorative and functional piece of hardware that can be used in place of a doorbell, is usually made with a pivoting U-shaped handle and should be installed on the exterior of your front door in a location that is convenient and accessible for visitors.
  1. Between Eye and Shoulder Level

    • Install a door knocker at a height that is readily eye-visible. A door knocker should be installed in the center of a door between eye and shoulder level. Depending on the angle of the pathway to the front of your door, select a height that best accommodates your entryway. Shoulder-level placement works well with an upward-sloping door stoop or walkway. Eye-level placement coordinates with a flat, level doorway area.

    Within Average User's Reach

    • A door knocker must be within reach of the average user. Stand in front of your door and lift your hand to eye-level as if you were going to use an invisible door knocker. Consider the height and determine whether slightly lower or higher would be more suitable to the average adult. Small children may not be able to reach a door knocker that is installed for adult use.

    Distance From the Floor

    • The most suitable height for a door knocker is 4 to 5 feet from the floor, says door knocker manufacturer Your Door Knocker on its website. The manufacturer adds that an exact height placement of 4.5 feet from the ground is ideal. The standard exterior door height is 80 inches, says the The House Designers.com. Installing a door knocker 4.5 feet off the ground places it about two-thirds of the way up the door. Measure the height using a tape measure to get an accurate placement for installation.

    Below the Eye Viewer

    • If you have a privacy eye viewer on your door, Your Door Knocker.com recommends installing a door knocker below the viewer. Place the door knocker 1 to 3 inches below the eye viewer so that the viewer and door knocker do not appear crowded. Avoid installing a door knocker above a privacy eye viewer because the U-shaped knocker might block visibility.