Home Garden

How to Dress Up an Archway in My Home

Home archways are an architectural element that opens a room and gives it a softer feel by taking away the sharp corners usually found in doorways. If they aren't decorated, though, the full feel of the archway can be missed. Dressing up the doorway can include ideas as simple as painting it, or adding ornate elements to give the room a finished feel. Choose the decor elements that appeal to your tastes but do not overdress the archway.


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      Install a fabric awning to fill the top portion of the arch. Make your own awning by measuring a half-circle to sit in the top of the arch. Hem the half-circle and add grommets at equal increments around the edge. Install the awning using small hooks screwed into the wall. Use decorative fabric that matches your decor. You can also fill this space by having a custom-made decorative piece of metal installed as a permanent awning.

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      Hang decorative lamps in front or behind the archway so they are viewed as one. A wrought-iron chandelier-style light fixture works well in a home with an old-world feel. Instead of a light fixture centered in the archway, try a small light fixture on either side.

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      Frame the archway with decorative molding. Try wide, dark wood to give a rich, warm feel to the room. White, decorative crown molding also works, particularly when paired with walls that have some color other than an off-white.

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      Hang a large painting or other artwork on the wall on the far side of the archway so that it fills the archway when you are walking up to it. Use a bold piece of art so the colors are visible from the other side of the archway. Do not use a small art piece or it won't have the same impact.

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      Stencil a border around the archway by hand painting, using art stencils or using vinyl decals that give a stenciled look. Try using vines with fruit for a Mediterranean feel or a simple pattern. Apply the stencils on the outside frame of the archway or on the narrower inside portion. You can also stencil in words, names or phrases above or around the archway for a personalized look.

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      Install a simple line of lights on the inner border of the archway. Have a professional install pot lights at equal increments or attach an LED light string.