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How to Use Children's Books as a Table Centerpiece

Decorating a special table to celebrate a child can be intimidating to a novice and, if your budget is limited, purchasing a professionally designed centerpiece can be pricey. Instead, discover how you can transform children's books, costing pennies at the flea market, into an impressive centerpiece. Playful illustrations embellishing the pages and book jackets can be fashioned into an enchanting centerpiece for your baby shower or children's themed event.

Things You'll Need

  • Cylindrical vase
  • Assorted children's books
  • Small box cutter
  • Scissors
  • Sponge brush
  • Craft decoupage solution
  • Decorative ribbon
  • Craft paper punch
  • Fresh flowers
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    • 1

      Remove the pages from an open children's book by cutting through the paper next to the spine with a small box cutter. Select pages that feature interesting fonts and illustrations. You will need enough pages to cover your vase.

    • 2

      Paint the back of each page with a sponge brush dipped into white acrylic craft paint. This will prevent the print on the back side of the page from showing through to the front after it's adhered to your vase. Allow the paint to dry for about an hour.

    • 3

      Brush a generous coating of craft decoupage solution onto the entire outside surface of your vase. Position the painted side of the page against the surface of the vase. Cut, trim and piece the pages as necessary until the vase is completely covered with paper. Paper edges can overlap each other. Allow the vase to dry for about 24 hours.

    • 4

      Seal the decorated vase by brushing craft decoupage solution over the adhered paper. The solution will look milky while it's being applied, but it will dry to a clear, protective finish. Set your vase aside to dry for about 24 hours.

    • 5

      Stack several books, placing the largest book on the bottom and the smallest on the top. Use at least three books or more for added height. The spines should face in the same direction. Wrap a decorative ribbon around the center of the stack and tie a small, simple bow on the top.

    • 6

      Center the stack of books on top of your table. Place water and fresh flowers in the decorated vase. Stems of daisies and baby's breath would complement the theme perfectly. Place the arrangement on top of the books

    • 7

      Punch whimsical shapes from printed pages and scatter them around your vase and books.