Home Garden

Making Artificial Flowers

Many people love sweet scented flowers, and often homes have vases full of beautiful bouquets in them. As pretty and aromatic as they are, flowers can cause allergic reactions in some people. Thankfully for those people, there are artificial flowers, the perfect decoration and simple to make. This is a craft project that you and your children can do together that takes next to no time or money.

Things You'll Need

  • Tissue paper
  • Pipe cleaner
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    • 1

      Stack the tissue paper. Take between three and five sheets of tissue paper and stack them together. Use more to make a really full flower but don't use less than three sheets or the flower will look right.

    • 2

      Fold the tissue paper. Start folding the sheets of stacked tissue paper accordion style. To fold in this way you need to fold the paper one way and then fold it in the other direction. Do this until the tissue paper is completely folded. The folds need to be about one finger-width wide.

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      Fold the tissue in half, making the ends meet.

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      Wrap the pipe cleaner tightly around the bottom of the folded tissue, leaving only a bit of the end showing. Make sure that both ends of the pipe cleaner are even and wrap them around each other, making your stem.

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      Unfold your flower. Gently pull the bottom layer of tissue paper down until it is where you want it. Work the rest of the layers down until you have a beautiful flower in bloom.