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Flower Designing With Calla Lilies

Calla Lilies, which aren't lilies at all, but a bulb flower that blooms in the summer, is thought to be one of the most elegant flowers in existence. Arranging this beauty is actually very simple since it can stand alone and doesn't need the help of extra foliage. It should be noted that all parts of this flower contain poisonous properties, so you should wash your hands thoroughly after handling them.
  1. Wall Sconce Arrangements

    • Wall sconces are the perfect medium in which to arrange your calla lilies. Clear glass sconces are best since they add elegance and simplicity at the same time. Place as many as four calla lilies in a sconce to create a wall bouquet. Try straying from traditional wall sconce displays that include two sconces that usually flank a mirror or painting. Use several small, clear glass sconces in a row, each with one majestic calla lily towering above it. In this way you have a ready made art piece that is definitely not the norm.

    A Summer Basket

    • There is nothing more quaint than a shallow basket of flowers set precariously in a corner or on the end of a coffee table. If you love adding the perfect touch of summer beauty to your home in the warmer months, baskets and flowers are a sure way to bring the loveliness of the season indoors. Laying Calla Lilies with their two foot long stems gently in a basket makes for a lovely addition to any room, especially in the summer when they're fresh (and less expensive). Feel free to use a colored variety of Calla Lilies to add a classy touch of flair to your wicker basket.

    Dare to be Different

    • Calla Lilies conjure up images of words like classy, elegant, regal. They are usually pictured at weddings and formal dinner parties. Unfortunately, the arrangements in which they are displayed are very predictable. If the norm is just not your style, consider the alternatives. Display a single Calla Lilly in a clear glass vase that dwarfs it. A silk Calla Lilly works best for this, but it is still modern and aesthetically pleasing. The fact that the vase will have to be at least three feet tall adds to the dramatic look.

      Display them in a tattered, tin pitcher. The contrast between old and shabby and crisp and majestic creates quite the live work of art. This is the one occasion when it is permissible to include wild flowers and greenery to your arrangement.