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Do Flowers Last Longer in Sugar Water?

Florists often offer flower-food solutions to make flowers last longer. These solutions usually contain sugar for nutrition, an acidifier to maintain pH level and a biocide to kill any bacteria.
  1. Function

    • Cut flowers usually can't carry out normal photosynthesis because they lack the parts necessary for the process. However, the stem can absorb a sugar solution, which provides it with the food it needs to survive longer.


    • Flowers last longer when they also have access to an acidifier and a biocide. To prepare your own flower-food solution at home, mix 2 tbsp. of lemon juice, 1 tbsp. of sugar and 1/4 tsp. of bleach in 1 qt. of warm water. Lemon juice serves as an acidifier, and bleach kills bacteria in the water.


    • Bubbles could form on the cut, open end of the flower stem, preventing the flower from absorbing the nutrient solution. Before placing the flower in the vase, cut 1 to 2 inches off the stem at a steep angle with a sharp knife or clippers. Remove any leaves that would fall under the water line because they could rot and introduce bacteria.