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Summer Flower Bouquet

Summer flowers, also called warm-season flowers, are those that reach their peak blooming during the months of June, July and August. They require warm days and nights to germinate, grow and bloom.
  1. Cutting

    • Pick flowers early in the morning. Choose flowers that are in a partially opened bud stage. Put summer flowers into a bucket of ice water as soon as they have been cut. Carry the bucket with you as you select flowers. This keeps the flowers hydrated, which makes them stay fresher longer in a bouquet.


    • Suitable flowers for bouquets include those grown from bulbs, such as gladiolus and lilies. Annual summer flowers that are particularly good for bouquets include zinnias and cosmos. Roses are perennials and also frequently appear in summer bouquets.


    • Some flowers require special treatment so they won't wilt. For example, poppies must have their stems seared with a flame or put in boiling water, according to the National Garden Bureau. Change the water in the vase every day and add a floral preservative for longer-lasting summer bouquets.